Another work in progress. I need to finish all my unfinished at some point. I'm not very successful at finishing my artwork. It allows me to rationalize not being at a level i wish i were. If it doesn't match up, i can just say, 'it's unfinished', and save myself from criticism or final judgement. But, I know that if I'm ever going to be successful as an artist, I need to start finishing things well.
My more realistic caricature attempt of Brad Pitt. I happier with it than I was a couple hours ago, but I think I need to give it a break. I'm not sure where I'm even going with it. Maybe it will stay a floating head.
He's a friend of my brother Jim and a great magician. He's even won some awards for it. You should search YouTube for his act. I'm hoping to do more with this. It's very cartoonish, but I'm okay with that for now, and I'm planning on adding a body that helps make his face make more sense.
So I'm making an official New Year's post more on my blog. I need to do more work and post it if I'm ever going to move forward with art or illustration. This is supposed to be Brad Pitt, taken from a red carpet reference photo. It's not finished yet, but moving in that direction for sure.